Friday, July 29, 2011

Road rage

My sleeping pattern is so bad now that I take 2 naps a day.. Sleep from after work till Dave gets up.. Then stay up till midday then nap again before work..
It's a horrible way to waste a lot of time, I hate that I have so much free time to do anything but I only ever get to run errands before I get all micro sleepy and have to take my nap..
today I was suppose to do bank stuff, but Dave didn't get paid so I couldn't put money away :( but I did buy something for my wonderful boyfriend

Something his wanted for a while now, I feel just like sonjae now lol, every time me n Dave go out we always come home with a new DVD, I blame the new tv for that.

Also got something for myself! Yumm..

Well there's been two things on my mind..

That Awkward moment when someone u know goes from an A-cup to double D.. Lol
That's weird.. How do u talk about that..

Also, i almost got into 2 accidents on my way to the shops (8 minutes away)
I can't say I'm the best driver or anything, But I've come a long way since I got my car, I use to drive as tho im getting a new car soon.. So I know what it feels like when people start speeding and being a tiny wiener dick..
But ever since my dad was in the car crash everything changed for me, I keep replaying it back in my head, but with different endings.. Plus, not i feel like I've got so much on stake now..

But this wasn't about my driving..
I was turning on the roundabout and midway into the turn, the car on my left goes into the roundabout too... He clearly saw me.. He was looking at me while he was driving.. Wtf!!
I then drove up the road.. And I was going the right speed.. Yet everyone was still over taking me and driving much faster..
We hit the lights and the car in front of me kept moving forward.. To the point that i was on the line at the stop.. But the light was still red.. (a friend of mine just had an accident because of this problem)
Then! When I was about to turn into The shops.. My light was green.. But the guy on the other side turns in first... I had to suddenly break so I don't hit him.. How did he managed to get his green p's!!

I just couldn't believe that in 8 minutes all that happened..

I dont believe in road rage, it's pointless, but the thing that actually does makes me so mad is that u can do everything right, but some dick can still come and fuck you up.

I'm so tired I can't write properly..
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