Tuesday, May 25, 2010

one of those moments..

i am at a life block again, nothing that horrible.. its just i guess i cant figure out what im going to do with my life..
im currently re-thinking my studies, and to be more realistic with it, where am i getting at with it..?? the lady at the job agency told me that i should be looking for something better than 'just drawing' she was a big stupid bitch tho, but she has a proper job.
so it just boils down to this small little thing..

weather things will work out..

we're growing up.. and everyday.. i get more and more scared..

see this is the thing.. i am currently doing something i love.. but it is a dead end really.. 
should i continue this.. or should i be working towards something bigger?

thats only if my health doesnt get to me first..or a car.. Lol