yesterday we killed 2 birds with 1 stone by having a photoshoot with zak =)
because Gillian and i need to practice phootoshooting for Annas wedding and Zakk wanted some photos taken =)
zak had a couple of outfit changes as well..
and we brought my fat dog along with us cause shes going to pass away soon so we might as well let her live a little
she was also fun to take photos of
it was so much fun just walking around the park looking like crazy kids with our camera gear out taking photos while everyone was staring as they jogged or biked pass us
she looks so cute here.. =D
cause we were practicing for a wedding, we tried to make some couple photos happen.. but didnt get as much done as we wanted too
half these pictures are from gillians camera so i cant take credit for it all ^__^
but it was a lot of help playing around with the cameras