Monday, November 22, 2010

Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

Happy -  almost everything
Sad - i will always love you - whitney houston.. that stuff..
hyped - i have noooo idea.. fast music?
mad - my chemical romance and all that.. 

tho im not really a music person.. o_O so i dont think it really matters..

anyways, the past 2 days i've been so dead tired and not really close enough to my computer to blog..
it was annas wedding on satuarday and me and gillian were the nonofficial awesome photographers there =D
these are just pictures from my camera taken by me or dave when im in the picture =D
it was a traditional Vietnamese wedding during the day
all the girls wore white =)
while anna wore the Vietnamese dress =)
after the tea ceremony we went to the park to take some wedding photos with the bride
love all the photos of her smiling ^__^
gillian had just met anna that very day and are now in most of her wedding photos =P 
but they made friends just right away ^__^ and was asked to be in the photos.. gotta do what the bride says right =D
night time was the reception, so we got a little break before heading off
dave looks so cute in a suit ^__^
it was such an amazing day ^__^ makes me think of my own wedding.. 
AHH! i wish everyone got married.. heheh it was just so much fun =)