Wednesday, July 7, 2010

new places to go, new food to eat..

i spent too much money today =( went over my spending limit..
but guess what i got!!!
a cookie!!!
some cute little hair ties!!
they look like little happy buns ^__^
and 5 more boxes of the DIY kits
i have been looking everywhere for them and i finally found them today and thought that i might not find it next time so i bought all 5 of them.. lol
they were on sale too =D 
we later went to hyde park and took random photos on nothing..
we wanted to go to see the out door ice skating but it had closed down already.
yes there is going to be a lot of photos..

we also ended up getting something very very delicious from the lindt cafe
they are so yummy!!
there was:
- vanilla
- passionfruit
- rose
- champange
- pistachios
- strawberry
- hazelnut
- dark chocolate
they were much much nicer than the ones from cupcakes on pit.. these ones were actually fresh, soft and they melted and crumbled in your mouth..
the other ones were really chewy and hard

instead of our normal japanese place we always go to we decided to go to the one right next to it for a try
Ajisen Ramen at haymarket
it was so nice! i'm not the biggest fan of ramen, i find it not to my taste, but i really really liked the one i had at this place
Volcano ramen! its really spicy..
that clump in the middle is spice..
i didnt even mix that into my meal and it was already burning my insides
but i loved it =)
we also noticed this funky thing they had at the next table and decided to try it out as well..
they called it snow ice, its a form of ice shaved ice cream.. pretty much an icey version of cotten candy
it looks so funky! like a thin wet t-shirt dunked in green dye on a bowl to dry..
thats what i thought it was when i first saw it..
they say that this is has less calories than an ice cream cone, more than 5 times less..
and i guess its true.. cause it pretty much is like cotton candy
its light, fluffy and just dissolves in your mouth.. only difference is it leaves a chilling sensation.

 we later met up with lana for some tea and watched sex and the city 2..
compared to the first movie, the second movie was crap..
the beginning was good.. then it just caused drama for it self

present for warren =D (i want them)
anyways i am so tired! talk soon!