i just found out that a new series of teen titans is going to be released this year.. BOO-YEAH!
im putting in my best efforts to try to blog, even tho im distracted, bored and unmotivated..
i dont want to do anything :(
Anyways, i guess i'll just talk about my work this week.
aside from making coffee for people at the cafe... and working with a 16 year old that owns a LV and Prada bag...
I had a paid photoshoot on sat with a lovely guy.
As always, click to enlarge ;) hahaha
All the photos turned out so well, he was a natural, could u tell it was his first time??
it was my first time shooting male pin up, i think i need to study into it a little more, maybe get some more new poses for next time we have a shoot.
and the post production wasnt so fast too! normally i spend hours working on glamour shots..
we had the shoot on Saturday, and if anyone remembers Saturday, they would know that the weather was horrible.
It was wet and gloomy, luckily, it wasnt raining where we went and we finished when it did start to sprinkle.
But the tide was high, and it ended up getting higher than my knee high boots and wet my pants... and i didnt even bring a change of clothes :( had to sit in the back of the car in my underpant afterwards.
it was all worth it tho, the things you do to get the great photos.
i ended up getting about 300 photos in an hour. :)
but a good thing that day was what i got back as well. my friend always tells me to get paid for what i do, even if its something i love.. because its only fair.
i never ask for anything tho, but seth ended up paying me for the hour, paying more than my set price, drove us there (so i didnt need to worry about transport) and also giving me a little gift.
a 5 in 1 reflector :) worth $75..
so nice of him, something i had been meaning to get some day. when i had money. for now tho, i've just been using foil.. hahaha. or nothing.
but the reflectors are so big i might need an assistant every time i have a photoshoot! O_O
Well i had another little playful photoshoot this week as well..
just with the girls. thanks to lana tho i was able to get the photo i've imagined done for a while!
what an awesome friend she is =D
A friend at work has a tattoo just like that, and i didnt want to sound like a creep and ask the new girl at work to come over and pose half naked in my living room while i take photos of her, so i just drew it on lana =P lolol
but then it did get my to show off my make up skills once again ;) hahaha
Lana had a really bad tan line tho.. it was the hardest thing trying to edit most of that out..
But im quite glad, it came out almost as i visioned it.
i wish i were able to get more pics from that shoot tho.. i've got a couple that im able to use that i have to edit later (tan line wise)
Man im so pumped for more photoshoots!!!!
Oh, also the other things that happened this week.
The fridge at work broke down so they gave me 8 bottles of milk. it wasnt off, but they didnt want to risk using it and making people sick. so we were going to pour it down the sink, in fact, we were pouring it down the sink when my boss suggested i take it home and bath in it instead.
So i did.
Dream come true. i had forgotten how much i've always wanted to bath in milk. Well i didnt after i found out how cruel milk was to the poor cows. but i still wouldnt want to waste what the cow has already suffered for.
my vegan friend told me to use baking soda instead for next time. vegan friendly alternative to a milk bath..
Felt like Cleopatra that night :) only with internet.. lol
Also made some chicken pot pie.
and celebrated ajays belated birthday.
Our plans went from 'meeting at 7pm for dinner at twelve spices'
to 'cooking then eating at home then go out to get dessert' because it was 9pm when we all met up
to 'fuck it, we'll just eat $5 cake from woolies and have a picnic outside and stargaze' because it was midnight
to us drawing tattoos all over each other.. LOL
and i always miss them when their gone :(
But i should get some sleep.. get back to my reading and writing as well..
People need the next chapters!! O_O! (woo.. i've got fans..)
Also.. i finished reading 'the boy in the striped pyjamas' in 2 days..
IT WAS SO SAD! omg.. :(
but i think, that had got to be one of the best things i've ever read. (but i havent read much.. so you know.. )
But that was a fantastic book. i do suggest not knowing what its about before reading it. and if you have happened to watch the movie, the book is def better.
but i will describe how, instead of those other people that just state it and expect everyone to know.
It is written in a little boys respective. so, as an adult with more knowledge, it is so sad to read about how all this shit is happening and the boy is too young to know.
I also finally got up to the sex part in '50 shade of grey' ABOUT TIME..
it took so long to get there....
And dave got my harry potter on my ipad!! yay. now i have some thing to read until my new book arrives in the mail =D
Anyways, nighty night blog world.
and good morning to everyone else in sydney.. hahahah.. its that time again...
8am.. *sigh*
12 years ago