Monday, October 24, 2011

i have nothing to do today!! its too frikin hot to do anything :(
i want to make some carrot cake and hummingbird cake, but its too hot to bake!! 
i hate it when i dont have my car, if it werent this hot i would go for a walk to get some ingredients to bake!! 
im also craving some ice cream as well.. yum yum.
so during the weekend was our early Halloween party.
everyone looks so cool
but we didnt get enough photos that night 
 batman and catwomen

anyways, so i recived my other item dave got me off ebay. 
make up!! the 120 pro palette
but its completely shattered.. 
thats what u get from buying make up online. not that i blame the supplier, just something so delicate delivered all that way from Hong Kong.. you cant expect much.

i wanna go shopping!!