Ah im so excited now that i just wanted to blog about it.
Not about leaving for fiji in 3 days.
or about Sexpo and buying new things for my collection..
But actually getting so passionate about something that you just cant stop.
Lately i've stuck my nose into a few books. I've got one last section to read in the "writing for dummies book" to go, but its about editing and im no way there yet. I've read a new chapters of another novel writing book, but its so slow! so i put it down.
and as for novels im reading "Girl meets Boy" which i loved at the beginning, but because this book is actually 12 different short stories, the first 2 stories were just so good that all the others cant compare and i dont want to read anymore =(
I've also skimmed though a lot of 'life of pi'. i actually skipped to the part where he was on the boat with the tiger, i wanted to see how he wrote the imagery for the beautiful surrounds that were portrayed in the movie. but then i found myself reading from half way of the book all the way to the end, reading what happened after they found him and finding that 'comfort' after finishing a book, even tho i didnt read it properly.
im currently reading gossip girl. i wanted to see how they would have wrote that too. and i amd really enjoying it. its really easy to read.
I've got harry potter on audiobook as well as ebook, and i've only gotten past chapter one, not that it was bad, just that i thought i would save it for the plane ride to Fiji. =)
And as for my writing. i've actually started writing my second story. and since i've started reading, you notice the big change in my writing style.
im just so giddy that i have finally found a style of writing. The only problem with that is that its as schizophrenic as my personality <3 p="">
last night i havent slept. and after fan girling i ended up punching out 3 chapters one after another. i was on a roll!! woo.
i swear. i have never stuck to anything for this long...
But now, i need to get some people to read my work and tell me if i should fix stuff.
Because the second story is a little more different..... =/
i should sleep tho. i only had 2 hours of sleep since 4pm yesterday. and had a big day today with a photoshoot where i was the model. It is so much hard work.
Anyways! night night world. 3>
12 years ago