Wednesday, May 26, 2010

i finally got my webcam here! woo
and you can see we've already made myself home.. haha  mess mess everywhere..

got my photos developed today!!! woo ^__^

i finally talked to my dad again and he wants me to move back, he gave me all my cameras back tho.. but i am still missing my pink camera =( dave said that he is going to replace my new camera.. with a newer camera!!! =D! woo.. 
i have another day off work today because it is frikin cold and raining.. think about it.. who the hell would want some ice cream on a day like this.

so lately me and dave have been re-watching the entire series of 'how i met your mother' because i said that i wouldn't watch any new episode season 5 until the entire season was complete, and so dave is going to watch it all with me =D

My mum and my dad bought me new things =D lol.. mum bought me a new bag and jacket! woo.. and my dad bought me pre-paid internet.. ne got himself a new asus laptop and he lets me use it =D if i move home.. lol

Anyways, i was looking around on facebook and realised so many 'fake' photos.. like.. i know its alright to have lovos.. but i really really dont like girls n guys who photoshop.. its mis-leading..

And again.. would you really be ok with yourself if u were completely photoshopped??
i mean what would you think when you look back on the photo and think..

Who the fuck was that...

not only that.. but anyone that is smart enough to notice the photoshopping.. can tell you that its done pretty bad..
